
Posts Tagged ‘SMS gateway’

Multiple IP protection

September 14th, 2009

After a suggestion from a user of our gateway, a change has been made to the security module on our gateway, that limits connections by user to a particular IP.

The request was to allow multiple IPs per user, so that several computers can connect to the same account, allowing good security, without lacking usability.

The security module was successfully modified, and now allows several IPs to be authentic for a single user account.

If you would like extra IPs to be added to your accounts security module, send us an email to with the request.

If you have any suggestions for modifications to the API or ways which it could be improved or altered to suit your needs, submit a suggestion in our forum, and if it is feasable we will get to work on it straight away.

SMS gateway API developement, text messages development ,

Example form using the SMS API

September 11th, 2009

Below is a form submitted by a user of the SMS API (the username and password have been removed from the form of course). But when I saw this form, I thought it would be quite a useful example, to demostrate how simple the API can be interacted with.

        <title>SMS Sender</title>
            <form action= method=get>
                <table border=0>
                        <input type=hidden name=username value=USERNAME>
                        <input type=hidden name=password value=PASSWORD>
                        <td><input type=text name=to></td>
                        <textarea name=message width=25 height=5>Test Message.
                        <input type=submit value=Send>

I hope this helps interested users see how quickly the API can be connected to, as always, if you have any questions or would like to send me any feedback, either comment below or submit a post on our Forum

SMS gateway API developement

Undocumented gateway response codes

September 9th, 2009

Occasionally the gateway will respond with a response code that is not documented in our site’s Common API responses.

When this happens the response will be coming directly from the mobile network provider rather than generated from our own gateway, as such this is not something that can be documented.

However, these response codes almost always resolve to the phone number you are trying to send an SMS to, check you are using the correct number, and if it is international number, be sure to take a look at the article on International SMS numbers.

As always, if you have any questions please comment below, or register on our forum.

SMS gateway API developement, text messages development , , , , ,

SMS API XML responses

April 21st, 2009

For easier usage in automated implemenations the responses from the SMS gateway API will now be returned in XML 1.0.

An example response is below:

	<result code="503" id="8dbcbdf843c817eed5f8898066184412">

This allows the response to be collected by an XML object and used more dynamic usage than the original error text.

If you have any comments on the XML response codes implementation, please send any information to us, either in our forum or in response to this post.

SMS gateway API developement, text messages development , , ,

IP protection

April 16th, 2009

We have finalised code that allows you to specify what IP address we should expect connections from, and will reject connections coming from any other addresses.

This has been tested succesfully, and is now implemented in the live API.

SMS gateway API developement , ,

Hosting Ireland SMS Gateway

April 16th, 2009

After receiving quite a few requests for bulk SMS services, hostingireland initiated development of an SMS gateway, to allow customers to send SMS to mobile devices around the planet, using an automated script to our SMS API.

After some beta testing the product has recently been completed, and this website and blog have been created to document the progress of the software, and offer support to current customers, and interested users.

We can be contacted at, or you can make contact with us through our forum at

Any further developments will be posted here in due course.

SMS gateway API developement , ,