New Feature! Low SMS credits warning system.
A new feature has now been built into the SMS gateway, allowing you to specify a contact email address for the sms Gateway and a threshold amount of SMS credits for your account.
Currently this contact email address can be used with a lower threshold of SMS credits, and once the credits in your accounts goes below or matches the threshold the gateway will send a mail to the contact address, alerting that the credits are running low in your account. However, this will only be sent the first time you run low, and will not be sent again until your credits have been above threshold again.
This feature will ensure that your account will never run to 0. This feature is disabled for all existing accounts, so if you want this alert feature enabled, please email me your email address and threshold requirements to and I will enable this feature for you.
As always, if you have any comments, feedback or suggestions, you can comment below, post on our forum or send an email to